Our initiative partners on the way to the construction turnaround

Together for sustainable construction!
Cathrin Urbanek
Thomas Bussemer
Juliane Fender
Marcel Kaupmann
Christine Braun
Sabrina Ginter
Michael Hölker
Roland Riethmüller
Mareike Wendland
Anne-Caroline Erbstößer
Ariane Steffen
Julia Treiber
Prof. Jan R. Krause
Joachim Eckert
Melissa Köhler
Annelie Casper
Ipek Ölcüm
Kristin Frieser
Imke Wardenburg
Tatjana Steidl
Anastasija Radke
Iris Rabe
BAK BUNDESARCHITEKTENKAMMER E.V.The Federal Chamber of Architects (BAK) is an association of the 16 state chambers of architects in Germany. It represents the interests of around 138,000 architects, landscape architects, interior designers and urban planners at national and international level in dealings with politicians and the public. The BAK's professional policy work focusses on the professional framework conditions for all four disciplines. The focus is on the role of the planning professions in the climate and construction turnaround, the liability situation and public procurement law, including the promotion of competition, as well as issues of standardisation, deregulation and the further development of the HOAI.
BDB Bund Deutsche Baumeister, Architekten und IngenieureThe most important objectives of the BDB include promoting the idea of the construction team and the associated targeted and responsible cooperation between architects, civil engineers and contractors in the planning, preparation and execution of construction projects, as well as promoting climate-friendly planning and construction and helping to establish the use of digital planning methods such as BIM.
bdia100% interior design! The bdia has been promoting and consolidating the profession and the practice of interior design in Germany for over 70 years. As the professional organisation representing its members, it advocates for their interests in public, in business and in politics. The bdia is the only association for interior designers in Germany.
BIngKThe members of the Federal Chamber of Engineers are the sixteen state chambers of engineers of the Federal Republic of Germany. It represents the common interests of its member chambers at federal and European level and formulates the views of the profession, in particular those of consulting engineers, to the general public. The Federal Chamber of Engineers advocates standardised professional profiles and regulations for engineers in Germany and the European Union.
BNW Bundesverband Nachhaltige Wirtschaft e. V.The German Sustainable Business Association BNW e.V. brings the voice of progressive companies directly to political Berlin. Since it was founded in 1992, the BNW e.V. has been an independent business association committed to environmental, climate protection and social sustainability issues. With over 700 member companies, the association represents more than 200,000 jobs; large and medium-sized companies are represented in the cross-industry network, as are SMEs, cleantech start-ups and social entrepreneurs.
Bundesstiftung BaukulturSince 2007, the Federal Foundation of Baukultur has promoted Baukultur interests and aimed to anchor the quality of the built environment as an issue of public interest. The foundation advocates good planning and building and acts as an independent interface that consolidates and expands existing networks. The Baukultur Report is published every two years as an official status report on planning and construction in Germany. The 2024/25 “Infrastructure” report deals with the maintenance, conversion, design and further development of our infrastructures as one of the most important challenges currently facing our society.
Bundesverband Deutscher Baustoff-Fachhandel e.V.The BDB is a strong interest group that is committed to the common goals of the building materials trade. As a competent point of contact for planners, manufacturers, tradesmen, builders and homeowners, it coordinates the timely and appropriate flow of goods and, last but not least, assumes an important role in interim financing during construction.
Bundesverband Digitales Bauwesen e.V.Today's changing conditions and the resulting challenges for the construction industry are increasing the need for digitalisation and innovation throughout the construction sector. More and more start-ups are supporting this process with technology-based solutions. The Bundesverband Digitales Bauwesen (BDBau) e. V. has set itself the task of representing and promoting the interests of these ConTech start-ups. The most important points here are the networking of start-ups with all players in the construction industry, the presentation of best practice examples and the creation of transparency on the topic of ConTech.
Bundesverband GebäudeGrün e. V.The Bundesverband GebäudeGrün e.V (BuGG) is a professional association for the topic of building greening (roof, façade and interior greening) and has almost 500 members. The BuGG offers various information brochures, event formats, training courses and support for planners, cities and companies.
Deutsche Bauindustrie e. V.The Federation of the German Construction Industry (HDB) is the umbrella organisation of the construction industry in Germany. The HDB represents the overall interests of the industry in politics, administration and society in order to strengthen its competitiveness and contribute to Germany's future viability as well as to ensure the best possible framework conditions at national, European and international level.
Deutsche Energie-Agentur GmbH (dena)dena sees itself as a centre of expertise for the applied energy transition that works with stakeholders from all relevant sectors at national and international level and supports the German government in achieving its energy and climate policy goals. With the climate-neutral building forum, dena offers a central platform for quality-assured information on all aspects of climate-neutral construction and refurbishment. The dena Energiesprong team drives the market development of serial refurbishment solutions and is the first point of contact for all questions relating to serial refurbishment.
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Nachhaltiges Bauen – DGNB e.V.DGNB stands for German Sustainable Building Council. As a non-profit organisation based in Stuttgart, the DGNB has been committed to demonstrably good buildings and liveable neighbourhoods - in short, a sustainable built environment - since it was founded in 2007. The aim is to transform the construction and property market towards an appropriate understanding of quality as the basis for responsible, sustainable action.
Deutscher WerkbundThe Deutscher Werkbund was founded in 1907 as an economic and cultural association by twelve designers and twelve companies with the aim of ‘refining commercial work through the interaction of art, industry and crafts’. Since then, it has been working for the quality design of the human environment. Independent and non-profit, it pursues its goals with projects such as the Werkbund Siedlung am Weissenhof. As an interdisciplinary organisation, it brings together architects, urban planners, artists, designers, craftsmen, manufacturers, journalists, lawyers and culturally-socially committed individuals in ten regional Werkbund associations.
Die Wohnungswirtschaft DeutschlandGdW, the Federal Association of German Housing and Real Estate Companies is the umbrella organization of the relevant sectors in Germany with its headquarters in Berlin. It represents nearly 30 percent of all rental flats in Germany, about 1,2 million of which are social housing. 2,2 million flats are managed by housing cooperatives.
Fraunhofer IRBDas Fraunhofer IRB steht für erfolgreichen Wissenstransfer. Unser Ziel: die Sichtbarkeit von Forschung und Wissenschaft erhöhen und Transformation begleiten. Wir bieten unseren Kunden einen niederschwelligen Zugang zu individuellem sowie fachlich spezifischem, auf ihre Bedürfnisse abgestimmten Fachwissen und bieten Hilfe beim souveränen Umgang mit Daten innerhalb ihrer Organisation. Wir begleiten und befähigen Organisationen aller Systembereiche (Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und öffentliche Auftraggeber) bei der Transformation – sowohl strategisch, strukturell, kulturell als auch digital.
gefmagefma represents an industry with a gross value added of 152 billion euros and over 5 million employees. With more than 1,000 member companies, the association is the largest network in German facility management. gefma is characterised by solid professional work: gefma guidelines and certifications in the areas of sustainability, CAFM software and education are recognised quality standards in FM. Sustainability, digitalisation, qualification and management concepts with operator responsibility are the association's key topics. gefma is committed to fair and responsible cooperation in a spirit of partnership between all market participants.
Industrieverband Lehmbaustoffe e.V.Der Industrieverband Lehmbaustoffe ist ein startup-Verband und wurde in Berlin gegründet. Wir wollen den Beitrag der industriell, regional und C02-arm gefertigten Lehmbaustoffe (Lehmsteine, Lehmplatten, Lehmputz, Lehmputzmörtel, Holz-Lehm-Hybriddecke), die kreislauffähig sind, in den Fokus der politischen und gesellschaftlichen Diskussion um das künftige Bauen / Sanieren rücken. Hieran arbeiten wir mit Politik, Behörden, Institutionen, Bauschaffenden sowie anderen Verbänden.
Institut Bauen und Umwelt e.V.With more than 300 companies and associations, the IBU is the largest association of manufacturers in the building materials industry that is committed to sustainable construction. The IBU ensures that the ecological aspect can be incorporated into the sustainability assessment of buildings and is one of the leading international programme operators for Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) in the construction industry and the leading organisation in Europe that declares construction products in accordance with the European standard EN 15804.
NABU BerlinFor more nature in the capital!We make Berlin a little greener every day: with practical nature conservation, environmental education, political engagement, and a large network of volunteers. The projekt "Artenschutz am Gebäude" will be ready at the Climate Festival to answer questions about building-dwelling animal species, facade greening, preventing bird strikes on glass, using species-friendly lighting, and much more. With us, you will receive a variety of informational materials, legal advice, and inspiration for successfully designing buildings as habitats.
Verband Beratender Ingenieure VBIVBI member companies plan and develop buildings and infrastructure that improve people's lives and last for generations. Around 1,400 engineering, consulting and architecture companies are involved in the VBI, with around 48,000 employees working in planning and consulting. They work independently and are only committed to one goal: to find the best solution. The VBI represents their interests in dialogue with clients and politicians in Germany and Europe.
Verband für Bauen im Bestand e. V.Building in existing buildings is key to achieving climate targets and creating affordable, modern space for living and working. That is why we are committed to moving away from demolition and new construction and towards the sustainable use of existing buildings.We work across sectors, pooling expertise to achieve progress and new market standards that benefit everyone. As a central body and freely accessible contact point for all those interested in the topic, we want to promote the free transfer of knowledge and targeted further training in the common interest. We are convinced that the solution lies in existing buildings.
Zentralverband Deutsches BaugewerbeAs the umbrella organisation of the German construction industry, we represent around 35,000 construction companies throughout Germany. We are committed to ensuring that our companies are heard by politicians and the public. On site in Berlin, we are at the centre of political events and in constant close contact with our contacts in the federal government and the Bundestag. Anchored nationwide, we bundle the interests of the entire industry and raise public awareness of them. Because: We build. For the people. For the future.